Fuzzy Logic

By: Austin Leskin

April 16, 2018

This week my team and I attended the Mega Health Jam and were all able to create awesome games that had a chance to help the medical industry through game. Although this event was fun it was exhausting and bogged down our time on our game, especially with our first milestone due on Friday. We finally implement the mechanic where you have to go pick a dodge ball instead of having one all the time. This means that I had to add another state to the enemy, find ball. This wasn’t hard as I have to code for finding the closest cover so doing that with the lost of balls was easy. Along with that my teammate working on physics gave me a ray cast that I was able to use to see if the AI can see the player, I put that around my attacking state and now he will only throw a ball if he sees the player. Combined taking cover, attacking, and finding a close ball it sounds like the beginning of a pretty basic AI. I quickly coded the fuzzy logic to change states instead of a key press and the AI finally had a mind of its own.


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